When I compile my code I get this error:

warning: missing terminating ' character const static uint32_t default_max_block_cpu_usage = 200'000; /// max block cpu usage in microseconds ^ error: missing terminating ' character const static uint32_t default_max_block_cpu_usage = 200'000; /// max block cpu usage in microseconds

How do I fix this?

1 Answer 1


I guess this is not directly related to EOS.IO, but you get the compile error because you are using a single quote to divide your uint.

This character is reserved for declaring chars. Here is a StackOverflow explanation to this: Single quotes vs. double quotes in C or C++

Just remove the ' from your definitions and it will hopefully work.

const static uint32_t   default_max_block_cpu_usage = 200000;
  • this code is in ~/eosio/eos/libraries/chain/include/eosio/chain/config.hpp,and it can be compile by eos,i don't know how to do.
    – yilin wang
    Commented Mar 4, 2019 at 1:46
  • What is the compile command you are using?
    – tmm
    Commented Mar 4, 2019 at 10:49
  • i just want in main.cpp add include #include <eosio/chain/contract_types.hpp>
    – yilin wang
    Commented Mar 5, 2019 at 2:43
  • g++ -o main main.cpp -I~/eosio/eos/libraries/fc/include -I~/eosio/eos/libraries/chain/include -I~/eosio/eos/libraries/chainbase/include -I~/eosio/eos/libraries/wasm-jit/Include -std=c++11
    – yilin wang
    Commented Mar 5, 2019 at 2:44
  • 2
    Actually, modern C++ allows single quotes as digit separators, just for readability: 1'000'000'000 is more readable than 1000000000. For example, here it says that, since C++14, Optional single quotes(') may be inserted between the digits as a separator. They are ignored by the compiler. So perhaps changing the compiler options from -std=c++11 to -std=c++14 will help.
    – Gassa
    Commented Apr 2, 2019 at 18:21

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