How can I create an eos account in c#. I have generated the eos public and private keys using c#. Now i want to create an eos account in c# using the generated public key. Can someone guide me how to create it?

  • 1
    Could you share a repository where you generate the keys with C#? Commented Mar 4, 2019 at 12:32
  • same question here.
    – cmadh
    Commented Mar 4, 2019 at 23:14
  • Could you share a repository where you generate the keys with C#? Commented Aug 13, 2019 at 10:10

1 Answer 1


You can use EosSharp or ScatterSharp (includes EosSharp). In both cases, if you want to create a new account the common way, the transaction would look like this:

        string newAcc = "mynewaccount";

        var result = await eos.CreateTransaction(new EosSharp.Core.Api.v1.Transaction()
            actions = new List<EosSharp.Core.Api.v1.Action>()
                new EosSharp.Core.Api.v1.Action()
                    account = "eosio.system",
                    authorization = new List<PermissionLevel>()
                        new PermissionLevel() {actor = account.name, permission = account.authority}
                    name = "newaccount",
                    data = new { creator = account.name, name = newAcc, owner = "EOSMYPUBLICKEYABC345AJJD...", active = "EOSMYPUBLICKEYABC345AJJD..." }
                new EosSharp.Core.Api.v1.Action()
                    account = "eosio.system",
                    authorization = new List<PermissionLevel>()
                        new PermissionLevel() {actor = account.name, permission = account.authority}
                    name = "buyrambytes",
                    data = new { creator = account.name, name = newAcc, bytes = 1024}
                new EosSharp.Core.Api.v1.Action()
                    account = "eosio.system",
                    authorization = new List<PermissionLevel>()
                        new PermissionLevel() {actor = account.name, permission = account.authority}
                    name = "delegatebw",
                    data = new { creator = account.name, name = newAcc, stake_net_quantity = 0.100, stake_cpu_quantity = 0.100, transfer = false}

You can find more information about the different system-conract-actions here eosio.system

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