I'm using the following contract on both my local and jungle testnets, the on_notify methods are not being fired. Everything appears to be in order, I'm hoping I've missed something obvious.
I created the table so that I can track whether the on_notify are firing on the jungle testnet.
#include <eosio/eosio.hpp>
#include <eosio/asset.hpp>
using namespace eosio;
class [[eosio::contract]] notifytest : public contract {
using contract::contract;
void addstat(name account, std::string action_text) {
print("Adding Stat: ", name(account), " Action: ", action_text, "\n");
add_stat(account, action_text);
void on_transfer(name from, name to, asset quant, std::string memo) {
check(_first_receiver == name("eosio.token"), "should be eosio.token");
print_f("On notify : % % % %\n", from, to, quant, memo);
add_stat(to, "eosio.token transfer");
void on_issinflation(name to, asset quantity) {
check(_first_receiver == name("gre111111111"), "should be gre111111111");
print("Issue Inflation ", name(to), " Amount ", quantity.to_string(), "\n");
add_stat(to, "Issue Inflation");
struct [[eosio::table]] notifystat {
name account;
std::string last_action;
int count;
uint64_t primary_key() const { return account.value; }
typedef eosio::multi_index<name("notifystats"), notifystat> notifystats;
void add_stat(name account, std::string action_text) {
notifystats stats(_self, _self.value);
auto existing = stats.find(account.value);
print("Action added for: ", name(account), "\n");
if (existing == stats.end()) {
stats.emplace(_self, [&](auto& aa) {
aa.account = account;
aa.last_action = action_text;
aa.count = 1;
else {
const auto& exaa = *existing;
stats.modify(exaa, _self, [&](auto& aa) {
aa.last_action = action_text;
aa.count = ++aa.count;
Commands used via cleos
cleos --url https://jungle2.cryptolions.io:443 push action eosio.token transfer '[ "gre222222222", "gre333333333", "1.0000 EOS", "Test" ]' -p gre111111111
executed transaction: 84fc4c054918649b0ce4b875b4b0922684619f4d76abbbe5b8a901811d1781ff 136 bytes 275 us
# eosio.token <= eosio.token::transfer {"from":"gre222222222","to":"gre333333333","quantity":"1.0000 EOS","memo":"Test"}
# gre222222222 <= eosio.token::transfer {"from":"gre222222222","to":"gre333333333","quantity":"1.0000 EOS","memo":"Test"}
# gre333333333 <= eosio.token::transfer {"from":"gre222222222","to":"gre333333333","quantity":"1.0000 EOS","memo":"Test"}
cleos --url https://jungle2.cryptolions.io:443 push action gre1111111p2 addstat '[ "gre111111111", "Test Action Stat"]' -p gre1111111p2
executed transaction: f8ff8d05aec829fd8ccba9a909c8f04ca065fcabf724390cf0c0b839cb94d523 120 bytes 217 us
# gre1111111p2 <= gre1111111p2::addstat {"account":"gre222222222","action_text":"Test Action Stat"}
>> Adding Stat: gre222222222 Action: Test Action Stat
cleos --url https://jungle2.cryptolions.io:443 get table gre1111111p2 gre1111111p2 notifystats
"rows": [{
"account": "gre111111111",
"last_action": "Test Action Stat",
"count": 1
"account": "gre222222222",
"last_action": "Test Action Stat",
"count": 1
"more": false
The stats output above is from me testing the table and add_stat
method works. It's just the on_notify which aren't firing and updating the table.