I create 3 different account already, but i try to create new account with this:

cleos system newaccount eosio --transfer kyc1 <PUBLIC_KEY> 
    --stake-net "100000000.0000 SYS" --stake-cpu "100000000.0000 SYS" --buy-ram-kbytes 1024000

Error 3050003: eosio_assert_message assertion failure
Error Details:
assertion failure with message: overdrawn balance
pending console output:

I am getting overdrawn balance error, i try to find a solution on web then found this Github issue. And it says use this command:

cleos push action eosio init '[0, "4,EOS"]' -p eosio@active

When i use it, i get this console output:

Error 3050003: eosio_assert_message assertion failure
Error Details:
assertion failure with message: system contract has already been initialized
pending console output:

What can i do for create new account ? nodeos --version v1.8.7

2 Answers 2


I ran this command then i can create new account.

cleos push action eosio.token issue '["eosio", "400000000.0000 SYS", "memo"]' -p eosio


An overdrawn balance means exactly that. You don't have enough money to transfer the funds, buy the ram, and create the account. In your case, you had a testnet where the base currency should have been SYS, but you hadn't issued any SYS tokens to the eosio system contract yet. Once you did that you could successfully transfer some of those SYS tokens to another account and buy RAM using those SYS tokens.

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