Following learn-about-wallets-keys-and-accounts tutorial in eos website I created my default wallet running:

cleos wallet create

And according to the tutorial my wallet should be in ~/eosio-wallet, see:

The file for this wallet is named default.wallet. 
By default, keosd stores wallets in the ~/eosio-wallet folder. 

However, the folder does not exist.

I also ran sudo locate wallet / | grep --color default.wallet but could not find the files.

I am sure the wallet is being created because eosio returns an error if I try to create the same wallet twice.

1 Answer 1


The problem is due to the Docker Quickstart tutorial. In short, the files are inside the Docker Container running the eosio instance.

To find the files inside the docker do the following:

  1. Find the path to the wallet:

There might be better ways to do that, but the way I did was reading eosio logs running in one terminal docker logs --tail 10 eosio -f while I try to recreate the same wallet in a SECOND terminal using cleos wallet create. If it is the second time I ran this command I will see the following error in the terminal two Error 3120001: Wallet already exists While in the terminal one, running eosio logs, I can see the followng:

Wallet with name: 'default' already exists at /mnt/dev/data/./default.wallet

Keep this path in mind for now.

  1. Find the container ID running docker ps. In my case, the output was:

    CONTAINER ID -------- IMAGE ----------------- [...Othe Columns ...]

    05e5bb8f0091 ---------- eosio/eos-dev -------- [...Other entries..]

My container ID was 05e5bb8f0091

  1. Bash inside the container, find the file in the path from step 1.

To bash inside the container run the following:

sudo docker exec -it 05e5bb8f0091 /bin/bash

Done, find the wallets in the path from step 1.:

ls mnt/dev/data/

  • You can combine step 2&3 using, docker exec -it $(docker ps -aqf "name=eosio") bash Commented Aug 14, 2018 at 3:39

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