I go through this repo https://github.com/unicoeos/eosio.nft and set contract and provide permission successfully on my local nodeos.
I successfully created a token CCN but I am not able to push the action issue. issue action is like :
void nft::issue( account_name to,
asset quantity,
vector<string> uris,
string name,
string memo)
eosio_assert( is_account( to ), "to account does not exist");
// e,g, Get EOS from 3 EOS
symbol_type symbol = quantity.symbol;
eosio_assert( symbol.is_valid(), "invalid symbol name" );
eosio_assert( symbol.precision() == 0, "quantity must be a whole number" );
eosio_assert( memo.size() <= 256, "memo has more than 256 bytes" );
eosio_assert( name.size() <= 32, "name has more than 32 bytes" );
eosio_assert( name.size() > 0, "name is empty" );
// Ensure currency has been created
auto symbol_name = symbol.name();
currency_index currency_table( _self, symbol_name );
auto existing_currency = currency_table.find( symbol_name );
eosio_assert( existing_currency != currency_table.end(), "token with symbol does not exist, create token before issue" );
const auto& st = *existing_currency;
// Ensure have issuer authorization and valid quantity
require_auth( st.issuer );
eosio_assert( quantity.is_valid(), "invalid quantity" );
eosio_assert( quantity.amount > 0, "must issue positive quantity of NFTs" );
eosio_assert( symbol == st.supply.symbol, "symbol precision mismatch" );
// Increase supply
add_supply( quantity );
// Check that number of tokens matches uri size
eosio_assert( quantity.amount == uris.size(), "mismatch between number of tokens and uris provided" );
// Mint nfts
for(auto const& uri: uris) {
mint( to, st.issuer, asset{1, symbol}, uri, name);
// Add balance to account
add_balance( to, quantity, st.issuer );
My question is what is uris here? Is this is a vector of all tokens that i have created?