I am trying running nodeos with Mongo Db Plugin. Following is my nodeos:
nodeos \
--signature-provider Pubkey=KEY:PrivKey\
--plugin eosio::producer_plugin \
--plugin eosio::producer_api_plugin \
--plugin eosio::chain_plugin \
--plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin \
--plugin eosio::http_plugin \
--plugin eosio::history_api_plugin \
--plugin eosio::history_plugin \
--plugin eosio::mongo_db_plugin \
--abi-serializer-max-time-ms=5000 \
--mongodb-uri=mongodb:// \
--mongodb-wipe --hard-replay-blockchain \
--data-dir $DATADIR"/data" \
--blocks-dir $DATADIR"/blocks" \
--config-dir $DATADIR"/config" \
--producer-name eosio \
--http-server-address \
--p2p-listen-endpoint \
--access-control-allow-origin='*' \
--contracts-console \
--http-validate-host=false \
--verbose-http-errors \
--enable-stale-production \
--p2p-peer-address localhost:9011 \
--p2p-peer-address localhost:9012 \
--p2p-peer-address localhost:9013 \
>> $DATADIR"/nodeos.log" 2>&1 & \
echo $! > $DATADIR"/eosd.pid"
nodeos data is getting save in mongodb. But I cannot find block number one. I tried to get using:
It returned nothing. Using cleos get block 1
I am getting the result. Can anybody please tell me why this is so?