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6 votes

How to store contract state as singleton?

If there is only one instance to be created, I agree you should use a singleton for your case instead of a table directly, as this is what singletons are used for. For API, you can check the eosio/...
confused00's user avatar
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5 votes

Best practice to handle table migrations?

When making structural changes to tables there are 2 basic approaches: add versioning in the data from day 1 and then support old versions of the data well enough to do "just in time" upgrades. ...
Bart Wyatt's user avatar
4 votes

How to allow duplicates in an eosio::multi_index object?

I guess your problem might be that you are saving the primary key as uint32_t but it has to be a uint64_t. Because it might be that if you try to save the id (0x00000000) it will cut the last 32 bits ...
tmm's user avatar
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1 vote

How to store contract state as singleton?

Yes, as you're saying, it should simply be a single table with a single row that contains your data as a struct with the 3 fields. You would need to define your struct and table as something like ...
Andres Berrios's user avatar
1 vote

Best practice to handle table migrations?

Binary_extension is a good choice when you need to add new fields in the table struct. But you should not remove fields in the middle of field-list in which case it could not retrieve table. Actually ...
Tigran Sahakyan's user avatar

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