I setup my eos environment following this quickstart tutorial.
Since I didn't build from source and did not use the docker-compose, how do I stop keosd?
I setup my eos environment following this quickstart tutorial.
Since I didn't build from source and did not use the docker-compose, how do I stop keosd?
Your question is not clear. If you want to stop the node, simply remove the container using
docker rm -f eosio
If you want to keep everything but just kill keosd.
First check whats running using pgrep keosd then kill the keosd process using pkill keosd:
# pgrep keosd
23 // No guarantee that you'll have same #. :)
# pkill keosd
netstat -nltp
after enter you find keosd runing on certain port after that just use : kill -9 pid of keosd