I am trying to write a smart contract that changes the keys of an account (not itself). The transaction will be of course be authorized by the account for which the keys are changing.

I feel like it should look something like this:

       ("account", "myaccount")
       ("permission", "owner")
       ("parent", "")
       ("auth",  authority("EOS8djkstZzKVY7BsWkT3CMQjngXMSgtoM2g3VAS65wZw1JLC4fML", 1)).send();
  • It' possible, but take care your public key should not be string
    – Jimmy Guo
    Commented Aug 3, 2018 at 4:48
  • Have you been able to include fc and use variant in your contract code? It seems they're not made to be used inside contracts Commented Aug 3, 2018 at 18:59
  • No, I have not. I think you are correct. I saw it being used in the unit tests so I was trying to use it here. I'm sure there's a way to build it with some object. Maybe make_tuple()
    – Max
    Commented Aug 3, 2018 at 19:12
  • @Max do you know if this action can be performed outside of cleos? Were you able to get it working? Commented Oct 9, 2018 at 18:58

1 Answer 1


Yes, it is possible.

The action is in native.hpp in the eosio.system contract from eosio.cdt repository:

     void updateauth(  ignore<name>  account,
                       ignore<name>  permission,
                       ignore<name>  parent,
                       ignore<authority> auth ) {}

You would use it like this:

struct authority {
  uint32_t                                           threshold = 0;
  std::vector<eosiosystem::key_weight>               keys;
  std::vector<eosiosystem::permission_level_weight>  accounts;
  std::vector<eosiosystem::wait_weight>              waits;

  EOSLIB_SERIALIZE( authority, (threshold)(keys)(accounts)(waits) )

// Create the authority type for auth argument of updateauth action
authority newauth;
newauth.threshold = threshold;
eosio::permission_level permission(eosio::name("account_name"), eosio::name("account_permission"));
eosiosystem::permission_level_weight accountpermission{permission, weight};

// Send off the action to updateauth
eosio::action(eosio::permission_level(get_self(), eosio::name("active")), eosio::name("eosio"), eosio::name("updateauth"), std::tuple(eosio::name("account_name"), eosio::name("permission_name"), eosio::name("parent_name"), newauth) ).send();

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