Currently, when I develop my dApp, I select a BP to push my transaction to blockchain. But I am wondering, what's happen when thats BP to become a standby BP?
1 Answer
Any working nodeos endpoint will enable you to push a transaction to the blockchain. It doesn't matter if it is run by a BP in the Top 20 or not.
You can use the answer here,, to get a list of nodeos endpoints that you could use. Just use whichever endpoint you find reliable.
Thank you very much, I am wondering if I push my transaction to BP which is standby, so my transaction does not sign. Commented Aug 15, 2019 at 1:20
You don't push a transaction to a specific BP. You submit it to the network through the nodeos p2p plugin and it gets picked up by a BP through a queue. Commented Aug 15, 2019 at 1:59
Well I think the nodeos which I push my transaction to it. it will be valid it first before my transaction be broadcast to blockchain, it is right? ` BP through a queue.` What is a queue? Each trusted BP will have a queue? Commented Aug 15, 2019 at 2:34