What is going on? :D I write data, but cannot find it after I write it.
The following code successfully emplaces the row into the multi-index table:
See specifically the vector<vector <structnamex::plot >> map parameter which is what I am dubious about.
ACTION structnamex::createland(name land_id, string land_name, uint8_t x_size,
uint8_t y_size, vector<vector<structnamex::plot>> map) {
require_auth( get_self() );
lands_index _southlands( get_self(), get_self().value );
uint8_t find_y = map.size();
uint8_t find_x;
if(find_y > 0)
{ find_x = map[0].size(); }
check((x_size == find_x), "x_size value does not match x value in map[y][x]");
check((y_size == find_y), "y_size value does not match y value in map[y][x]");
check((x_size > 0), "x_size value must be greater than 0");
check((y_size > 0), "y_size value must be greater than 0");
//check all x values
for (int i = 0; i < y_size; i++) {
check((map[i].size() == x_size), "x_size value does not match x value in map[y][x] in later rows");
print("X val: ", find_x, " -- Y val: ", find_y);
_southlands.emplace( get_self(), [&]( auto& land_row ) {
land_row.land_id = land_id;
land_row.land_name = land_name;
land_row.x_size = x_size;
land_row.y_size = y_size;
land_row.map = map;
print("-- data emplaced!");
In the header file we have the structures declared as follows
// ... inside contract declaration ...
/// the plot struct from the header file is as follows:
struct plot {
name owner;
uint16_t type;
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(plot, (owner)(type));
// the multi-index table is as follows
TABLE lands {
name land_id;
string land_name;
uint8_t x_size;
uint8_t y_size;
vector<vector<structnamex::plot>> map;
auto primary_key() const { return land_id.value; };
I write this data in EOS Studio:
land_id: funland
land_name: Fun Land Central
x_size: 2
y_size: 2
map: [[{"owner": "useraccount","type": 20},{"owner": "useraccount","type": 20}],
[{"owner": "useraccount","type": 20},{"owner": "useraccount","type": 20}]]
According to the console output, it successfully writes. If I try to write this data again, it fails, saying that index already exists.
This data will not display in EOS Studio when you refresh the multi-index table. It produces the error, " FC Exception encountered while processing chain.get_table_rows "
Even though it wont display in EOS Studio, I use some smart contract code to see if it's there:
ACTION structnamex::testprint(name land_id, uint8_t x, uint8_t y) {
lands_index _southlands( get_self(), get_self().value );
auto itr = _southlands.find(land_id.value);
if(itr != _southlands.end()) {
else {
print("land not found"); }
The function when run with the following submits the transaction without error, but the console gives no output.
land_id: funland
x: 1
y: 1