1. How can I change the owner of an account?
  2. Can an account have more than one owner?

I see that active and owner are groups so theoretically there can be multiple keys in either group.

But how can I add a second key to the owner group?

This command fails:

cleos set account permission account_name owner '{"threshold": 1, "keys": [{"key": "EOS_public_key", "weight": 1}],"weight":1}]}' owner -p owner

It fails complaining the keys are not in the wallet or that the wallet is not unlocked, neither of which are true.

2 Answers 2


To change the owner key, you can use this command:

cleos set account permission account_name owner EOS_public_key_of_new_owner -p account_name@owner

Multiple owners on an account is essentially a multi-sig account, it's possible and it's described here Accounts and Permissions

As a concrete example, to configure two keys to the owner group of an account you can use this command:

cleos set account permission account_name owner '{"threshold" : 100, "keys" : [{"key": "EOS_Public_Key1","weight": 50}, {"key": "EOS_Public_Key2","weight": 50}]}' -p account_name@owner

where EOS_Public_Key1 and EOS_Public_Key2 can be either new keys or keys that were already associated with that account.

There are some more examples for cleos set account permission in the developers.eos.io reference docs

  • Do you have any indication why the OP's command failed?
    – friedger
    Commented Jun 15, 2018 at 16:36
  • I don't, but fwiw the cleos set account permission command takes some getting used to. It accepts several variations for how you pass the parameters depending on what you're doing, and it's very easy to get it wrong. And the error messages are only helpful if you are already well versed with how account permissioning works in eos.
    – Vlad
    Commented Jun 15, 2018 at 16:49
  • @Vlad do you know if this action can be performed outside of cleos? Specifically if this can be done using the eosjs library in the browser? Commented Oct 9, 2018 at 18:55

./cleos.sh set account permission account-name owner new-public-key -p account-name@owner

thank you Pete BlockMatrix for providing the answer on telegram

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