I know that EOS provides a first-party JavaScript RPC library for interacting with the EOS blockchain. Are their libraries available for other languages (e.g. Java, Python, Obj-C, etc)?
5 Answers
We built the Elixir one: https://hex.pm/packages/eosrpc
As our project depends on it, we will always keep it updated! Feel free to create issues to report bug, new ideas and any discussion! :)
A java sdk with eos-rpc: https://github.com/adyliu/jeos
local signature support like this:
Can Transfer Eos example be used to invoke any smart contract by changing the account,action & data? Commented Feb 18, 2020 at 9:00
We have developed a Java RPC library for interacting with EOS: https://github.com/TopiaCoin/EOSRPCAdapter-Java
A kotlin SDK: https://github.com/memtrip/eos-jvm
- EOS nodeos RPC API
- Local transaction signing
- Annotation preprocessor to generate abi writer boilerplate
- Keypairs
- Easily compose transaction actions for: