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7 votes

How can I know if I have registered my EOS tokens correctly?

The easiest way to check if your EOS tokens are registered is to input your public Ethereum wallet address where your EOS tokens reside here and click 'Verify my EOS!'. This ...
Able Joseph's user avatar
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4 votes

Why are 5.2% of the tokens not attended to in the fallback plan?

It says on the website EOS Authority Why didn't fallback get to 100%? A bit complicated. Ethereum public keys are only on-chain if an address has an outgoing transaction. Not all addresses have ...
John Williamson's user avatar
2 votes

How are ERC20 EOS tokens converted to main net tokens?

EOS.IO token are not refering to ethereum or erc20 tokens anymore. Blockproducers took a snapshot of the erc20 token by the transactions on ethereum. This is now the initial distribution/balance of ...
tmm's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the equivalent of an ERC20 in EOS?

Fungible tokens The current standard is eosio.token. At the moment, however, the eosio.token only issued the system token EOS, and everyone else issuing tokens have to copy the contract to create ...
confused00's user avatar
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1 vote

Does producres create symbol of a new token or we can create ourself?

The process works same as on test net with one change that is you need to provide authorization via mainnet account. Producers don't create symbole for your token you need to do it by yourself only as ...
Mr.Y's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I know if I have registered my EOS tokens correctly?

You can use to verify If your tokens are properly registered.
RedBlock's user avatar
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