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5 votes

How to avoid excessive concentration?

The EOS constitution forbids to have more than 10% (total supply) eos tokens for one individual/dApp/BlockProducer. This was addressed by Thomas Cox in interview with EOS GO :
RedBlock's user avatar
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2 votes

How to avoid excessive concentration?

How does the protocol prevent bandwidth holders (EOS holders)from concentrating too much and make the platform unattractive for small users If I am not mistaken, if a particular EOS holder do not use ...
noisy's user avatar
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1 vote

Preventing loss of funds from a hacked eos account?

Use the telegram bot or have this service send you an email whenever something happens: Then you can take action.
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
1 vote

How to avoid excessive concentration?

As mentioned above the proposed constitutional article will limit each entity to a maximum of 10% ownership of EOS. Entities with more can be subject to arbitration. Another key component to ...
robrigo's user avatar
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