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2 votes

ERROR: RequiredError: OwnerKey Create a new account on the blockchain (assumes system contract does not restrict RAM usage)

It's not because of the "wallet eosio", but you didn't specify the creator in cleos create account demoaccounteos EOS58wkLHPuYfX8jpvEYZi6PviCkk7v4bBQSU2sa8WJvJtXWa7XBX The create account usage is ...
Reason Lee's user avatar
2 votes

Can the eos active key change the eos owner key?

No. Owner can change active but active can't change owner.
cmadh's user avatar
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How to regain control of my EOS account after it was hacked?

Unfortunately ECAF isn't quite functioning as it was envisioned before the mainnet was launched. The hacker will try to move your tocken to an exchange of his choice once it's get refunded in 72 hours....
STRFGHTR's user avatar
1 vote

Process of securing a hacked EOS account?

Here is my basic incident response plan if an EOS account I control is hacked: Regain control of the hacked account by changing the owner/active key pairs Identify all transactions if any that were ...
Kabir's user avatar
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Process of securing a hacked EOS account?

As I never did this, do I load my OWNER private key into a new wallet and then change the active key to something else to prevent the hacker from doing anything? Yes. Or is there another step I do ...
confused00's user avatar
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Preventing loss of funds from a hacked eos account?

Use the telegram bot or have this service send you an email whenever something happens: Then you can take action.
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar

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