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0 votes
1 answer

Tables of a smart contract: public or private?

I was wondering about the ramifications of having tables declared public. Since EOSIO is a transparent blockchain anyone can read tables of any contract. So having them declared public in a smart ...
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1 answer

How much RAM does a smart contract consume?

I have a smart contract compiled resulting in a 10,961 Bytes wasm file and a 2,372 Bytes abi file. However, when deploying the contract on chain it consumes about 110,000 Bytes which is almost 10x the ...
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1 answer

Compiling smart contract not getting done

I have a setup of multi-node of 4 peers blockchain. Blockchain is running, few days before I deployed the smart contract and using it to save data on the blockchain. Now, I did some changes to the ...
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1 answer

Issues regarding the update of a staking contract

Suppose that we need a token staking mechanism (similar to the stake and lock function introduced in the EOSIO training). Someone owns that contract. Now the question is: How would the rest of the ...
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1 answer

Using a smart contract table. How can I query a row using another field instead of the primary key id?

How can I query a smart contract table to return a row instead of using the primary key id? I have the following:
0 votes
1 answer

How do I record LOG in eosio smart contract?

I deployed and tested eosio smart contract. I want to record the logs of a smart contract using the web API. How can I do this? I searched but didn't get any satisfying answer. I tried to get logs by ...
1 vote
3 answers

on_notify does not get triggered

I am using a very simple example: mycontract.hpp: [[eosio::on_notify("eosio.token::transfer")]] void depos(name from, name to, asset quantity, string memo); mycontract.cpp: [[eosio::...
0 votes
2 answers

Why is [[eosio::on_notify("eosio.token::transfer")]] not working?

Network: kylin testnet. I transferred eos to this contract, but it the "deposit" function was not called. What do I miss?
2 votes
3 answers

HOWTO: auto increment primary key?

How do we do this in EOSIO multi_index table? Want to define a table with an auto increment primary key id.
3 votes
1 answer

Sending transaction with Scatter from a single-page application

Request for help: I need a simple example of sending transaction (pushing a contract action test) by Scatter written in plain JS for a single-page browser scrip without any requirjs , vue , angularjs ...
3 votes
1 answer

Getting account CPU usage in smart contract

Is it possible to access the CPU usage of a given account from within a smart contract? For eg. in a smart contract transfer notification, you call get_account_info(N(some_account_name)) which ...
1 vote
0 answers

getting error when i try to add permission to a user who is signing a smart contract action

here is what i am trying to do : users will sign a specific action which will take their username, permission_name, smart_contract_name, action_name, public_key i am trying to assign the user ...
1 vote
0 answers

How can i update a table by TransactionID? And can transactionId be the same when we update the data?

I am running my nodeos on my local machine, I can retrieve all the data via api and do some CRUD also. I have succeeded update the table by tableId, But can someone suggest to me how do I update the ...
1 vote
1 answer

nested stuff inside index_table

I'm trying to build a small hearthstone like game and I've finished up the front-end for the game client. I created a NoSQL mockup of the user data and now it's time to move those to the index_table ...
0 votes
1 answer

Convert type string to type checksum256

fist off let me get this strait, yes I know the dangers of memo parsing, yes I am aware of the vulnerabilities that can be created from doing such a process, so please there is no need to lecture me ...
4 votes
1 answer

Trying to execute a smartcontract action using a multisig account, but it shows executed even when the transc fails due to smartcontract constraints

I'm proposing a transaction to execute an action of some smartcontract, the transaction is showing executed irrespective of failure or success of the smartcontract action(say transferFunds), this is ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to get table data from Jungle testnetwork?

I am trying to get all the insert data using get table on jungle testnet. But I was failed and get only an empty row value. command: cleos --url get table ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to set a eos contract on jungle network [duplicate]

As I trying to deploy a contract on Eos Jungle test network using cmd. But I failed to run. Command : cleos --url set contract tulsipadalia addressbook -p ...
2 votes
1 answer

cleos push action is not working on multihost peer node

I have a setup of multinode, one genesis node and another host node inita connected to the genesis node. Nodeos is running on both hosts. Genesis node is producing blocks and inita is receiving them. ...
1 vote
2 answers

EOSIO Tutorial : publishing contract error

I'm working on EOSIO tutorial and now I'm workingon part. Right now, I'm stuck on deploying contract. jongbok@DESKTOP-96ICBPJ:~/eos/...
1 vote
0 answers

Where are accounts and smart contracts stored?

I'm a bit confused by answers to the following questions: Where are new accounts stored? Where is the smart contract is stored How can everything be stored on RAM at all time? 3KB for each user means ...
3 votes
1 answer

Returning values from actions

I am trying to return a value from an action as follows: [[eosio::action("test2")]] int test2(int x) { return x; } The code compiles correctly, and the ABI file shows the correct action ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to pass specific eosio-cpp/eosio-ld options via cmake

I'm typically using CMake to compile my contracts, like described here. How can I pass specific eosio-cpp/eosio-ld options (specifically -stack-size) described here?
1 vote
1 answer

Difference between _self and get_Authorization and RAM optimization

I have build a Smart Contract with 14-15 Tables for I/O. It will be used to store important data of our platform. I have used require_auth(_self) as this contract will not be used by 3rd person. It ...
2 votes
1 answer

how to find greatest common divisor inside smart contract?

I need the greatest common divisor between two numbers in the smart contract. I tried: int gcd = __gcd(num1, num2); num1 and num2 are two numbers. When the smart contract is compiled, its generating ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to get the initiating contract name from a token transfer?

When an external account transfers tokens to my account (which has a contract with an "on_notify" action for incoming transfers), is there any way I can get the name of the contract that ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to loop a multi_index table in a smart contract

I have very simple table items with the following structure: struct [[eosio::table]] item { uint64_t id; uint64_t state; string description; uint64_t primary_key() ...
2 votes
3 answers

Can I use uint256_t in EOS smart contracts?

I want to use uint256_t in my EOS smart contract but I am getting following error unknown type name 'uint256_t'; did you mean 'uint16_t'? I thought EOS supports uint256_t as I read it in some EOS ...
0 votes
1 answer

What does 'datastream<const char*>' mean in this code?

From this tutorial addressbook(name receiver, name code, datastream<const char*> ds): contract(receiver, code, ds) I'm not familiar with 'datastream' and Googling isn't turning up any precise ...
1 vote
1 answer

Does the size of a contract affect CPU consumption

Does the size of a contract increase CPU consumption in general? To my knowledge, there may be several secondary factors that slow down the processing of transactions. For example, a memcpy command ...
0 votes
1 answer

Calling external action with 'action_wrapper' and 'action'

In contract we have two way to call another action: Use 'action' action(permission_level{get_self(), eosio::name{"active"}}, eosio::name{"eosio"}, ...
1 vote
1 answer

If I issue an EOS token, how do I afford the running fee?

I got a question about how to afford the cost of emplace action... code in eosio.token like : statstable.emplace( _self, [&]( auto& s ) { = maximum_supply.symbol; ...
-1 votes
1 answer

What's the max speed of EOSIO contract?

I try to do performance testing about EOS contract. I built private EOS network with 6 nodes. I use apache bench to formulate http requests, and post to EOS service
3 votes
3 answers

How to store contract state as singleton?

What is the best way to store fields specific for contract, for example if contract has 3 fields (2 strings, 1 uint64_t) and they can be changed? Should I create new table for this, it would always be ...
1 vote
0 answers

is there a service that creates EOS or TRX div tokens?

is there a service that creates EOS or TRX div tokens? Or can someone point me in the right direction? Thank you
0 votes
3 answers

Smart contract - find on two columns

I am currently writing a blog PoC on EOS. I would like the ability to delete a post. Now deleting by the ID alone is simple, I have it implemented as follows: whisper::post_index posts(_code, _code....
0 votes
1 answer

EOSlime TypeError: Contract.actionname is not a function

This is my test file: const assert = require('assert'); const TOKEN_WASM_PATH = './contracts/group/group.wasm'; const TOKEN_ABI_PATH = './contracts/group/group.abi'; describe("EOSIO Group", ...
1 vote
3 answers

How does Jungle testnet create new account?

I have created new account in . I have a copy of the log # eosio <= eosio::newaccount {"creator":"junglefaucet","name":"myaccount","owner":{"threshold":1,"keys":[{...
0 votes
1 answer

eoslime test not saving data in table

This is my first experience with eoslime as I want to do unit testing for smart contracts. Not much experienced with nodejs .I am following eoslime documentation:
0 votes
1 answer

Wrong table name in scope response

My contract has two tables mcat and mcatmig. Problem: scope request return wrong table name mcat........1 instead of mcatmig: % cleos get scope teresacode { "rows": [{ "code": "teresacode", "...
0 votes
2 answers

how to define a vector with fixed size?

I want to define a vector of strings with a fixed size 3 in the multi-index table of smart contract. I search and tried different ways which I found for CPP vector like: std::vector<string> abc(...
0 votes
0 answers

How to generate unique string id from given array of strings in smart contract?

I am writing an EOS smart contract in which need to write the action to generate a unique id from the given array. Array consisting of n number of string elements (UUID). Suppose I pass 10 strings to ...
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0 answers

How to set vector type field as a secondary index in smart contract?

I want to set a group vector as a secondary index in the user smart contract. group is the list of groups. Following is the changes I am doing: struct [[eosio::table]] usertable { ...
0 votes
1 answer

Multiple smart contracts with single account

I have three smart contracts (A, B, C) and one account (X). As the requirement is I just need only one authority (administrator) who is going to manage all these smart contracts data. So I deployed ...
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1 answer

How to check authorization for a particular account in EOS smart contract?

I want to write an EOS smart contract to manage users data. I need that only some admin account will able to add, update and delete users and the particular user can only update data. Can I check ...
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1 answer

Complex smart contract for rule based auction in multiple currencies

The imagined application allows users to participate in an auction and make bids in cryptocurrencies. There are several behavioral rules that control the execution of the auction and determine the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Take output from GetActions and send to database using eossharp

I am using eos-sharp to get data from the eos smart contract. I am trying to get actions data by using: var resultaction = await eos.GetActions("dqzmember", 0, 30); I need information from ...
0 votes
1 answer

how to save data in mongodb from eos smart contract?

I am getting the actions log data using an action constructor in a smart contract. I need to save this data in MongoDB from the smart contract. How can I do this? I didn't get exactly my required ...
1 vote
1 answer

cleos data getting inserted and deleted but table shows empty record

I have written one smart contract for insert, update and delete data. The smart contract is compiled and deployed to the two accounts. I insert data using calling the action upsert, this transaction ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to access and manipulate tables when using native unit tests?

I am trying to write unit tests for functions in a smart contract that require access to tables within the smart contract. I tried to set this up using the hello_test.cpp code as a base and when I get ...

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